Our Beckley Concert Association had its beginning in January of 1938 when a group of community minded and music loving ladies, all members of The Monday Music Club, met at the Memorial Building with a representative of Columbia Artists in New York for the purpose of organizing a community concert association. Mrs. William (Mabel) Taylor was elected president and Mrs. Thomas (Louise) Wickham vice president. They and other officers signed an agreement with Columbia Cooperative Concerts. The first membership drive was held in April of 1938 and 736 members were enrolled exceeding the goal of 500, a significant result for a new community venture. This venture by Columbia Concerts provided venues for musical artists with community volunteers doing the work of enrolling members, mailing tickets and attending to the myriad details associated with presenting live performances. This organizational plan continues to work successfully today!

Large-print programs and assisted-hearing devices are available upon request.
BCA members may attend all concerts. Individual performances may be purchased online or at the door. Credit cards or cash accepted.
ADA parking is available on site
at no charge.